Barbi White
Barbara "Barbi" White was trained by Dovehouse Ministries to be a Spiritual Companion in the Ignatius Way. She earned her BA in Education/Psychology at David Lipscomb College. Then 15 years later returned to earn a Master's in Clinical Social Work from the University of Tennessee. For the next 30 years she worked as a counselor. She is glad to be doing only Spiritual Direction, now. Barbi brings to her direction an experiential perspective, looking for creative ways to help people step into a personal interaction with Jesus, the Spirit, and the Father and coming to know themselves in a more compassionate way.
Barbi was married to Dee for 50 years. The last 12 years, she was his caregiver as he moved through the effects of 2 degenerative diseases. It was a difficult and beautiful journey. His death was in August of 2022. Together they have 4 adult children, married to 4 exceptional people and 12 grandchildren. As a director at Dovehouse, Barbi works with individuals and group direction, Silent Days and Retreats and leads people through the Spiritual Exercises (the 19th Annotation).
“It is my greatest joy to walk with people in their spiritual journey as Jesus draws them to himself and into an intimate friendship with him.”
Barbi White, Spiritual Director